Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Pie Charts!

It might seem to you that I haven't been cooking or playing games at all for the last two months.  However, despite all appearances, I've been doing both.  I just haven't written about it.  Here's what I've been doing with my free time:

It's sad 'cause it's true.  

We've managed to do a pretty good job of making a menu plan for the week and then shopping within our budget.  However, the hidden downside of cooking at home all the time is that it feels like we have to clean the kitchen all the time.  I cleaned the kitchen twice yesterday (once after cookies, once after bread) and I just cleaned it again!  It was the dishes from last night's baked ziti.  Here's the (perceived) breakdown:

While we're doing pie charts, here's a very accurate one:

Source unknown - let me know if you know